
This article was sent to me by a wonderful artist and a Mom that raised two children on her own. She was always an inspiration to me and was like my second “cooler” Mom.Carols Banner 



Wow. When I start to get upset at my husband for being too controlling and demanding , I have to look back at how mom’s and wives were treated in the 1950’s and 60’s. They really believed this nonsense. I mean, it was even printed in a well respected magazine. I guess you can just look at the title and make your assumption, “Good Housekeeping.” Today it means something entirely different. Good housekeeping means loving your home and family enough to take care of it the way you want to. It’s about respect for each other and letting your husband be a responsible human being. You do things for him out of love, not out of duty. Good Housekeeping article

please clic on the pic

to read the entire article!

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