
Summer Issue Artful Blogging I’m so excited to announce that the 2009 Summer issue of Somerset Studio’s Artful Blogging is here! It is such an inspiring magazine and only comes at 4 times a year. It is full of luscious eye candy and helpful tips on blogging by the artist’s that actually do it every day! As you can tell, I really enjoy it. I get mine at Barnes & Noble. It costs $14.99, but I use my discount card to get 10% off. It’s worth it!  click on the pic to get more info

2 Responses
  1. Nessa Dee Says:

    I need to get this magazine...it might help ne to blog better.

    I just wanted to let you know that your jewelry is beautiful and unique. I know you've had some frustrations with getting into shows and such because of the amount of jewelry sellers out there, but I think your stuff is eye catching. And I love the photos of the jewelry with text behind it. I think it adds interest, but doesn't take away from the pieces.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Beth H Says:

    thanks for mentioning this mag - i hadn't heard of it!

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